A lot of news…
Summer exams for 2016 ; igcse , alevels, IB are here…
Don’t panic! Help is at hand from us…
Go read the amazing offers/discounts from us..1st time ever…
9 special items…
Igcse add maths code 0606/ Cambridge Olevels add maths 4037
Revision workbook with 285 questions and solutions
Alevels CIE AS levels
AS pure maths P1 practise sets with answers
AS Statistics S1 practise sets with answers
Alevels Further Maths code 9231 (summer/winter 2016 exams)
Paper 1 Pure Maths
Paper 2 Mechanics
Paper 2 Statistics 2
Alevels A2 Physics Paper 4 solutions by topics
and not forgetting the IB folks, we are offering for the first time,…
and for the IB girls and boys, scrambling to learn your options paper 3 of IBHL here goes….
IBHL options Calculus
IBHL options Statistics and Probability
The above 9 items are carefully selected and we slashed our prices or offer discounts as steep as 33% in order to
genuinely give you a pushing hand, some last minute help.
to appease the humongous number of requests for free access to our site…
(please note we do have a lot of bills to pay…you can ask bill gates or some kind soul to donate here..
to convince wannabe users of themathscentre.com to come in and learn with us..
Please press on the highlighted links in RED to read all the details of the items that interest you..
Please note those sitting for IBHL exams and Further Maths and Alevels CIE Physics A2 in Oct/Nov 2016/winter 2016).
The offer above is extended to you as well and the subscription/learning period covers up to your exams.
Take advantage folks and by your responses we will come back in the next exam with even more exciting offers..
NEW ,,,,for the undergrads …
The second item of the day will be of great interest to those of you studying in college or universiity and doing
Actuarial Science
any course which needs a quick review of the following;in this new Actuarial Science Corner, we will upload our notes starting with the following;
Discrete Distributions
Continuous Distributions
Generating Functions
How to do double integration
How to do stochastic calculus
We will only charge a nominal fee for this set of notes, the amount collected will go toward maintaining this corner
where all kinds of maths, statistics and actuarial stuff will be uploaded.
so please be generous and help maintain this corner…
Check out the Actuarial Science Corner HERE
Meanwhile, please study hard and we are always here for you, talk soon…