Thank you so much sir! My best wishes to you, Ms Chan and all in the family. I'm so glad to see you in the webinar, I'm also actually tempted to join. I miss The Maths Centre! Haha
FB: https://www.facebook.com/steven.chong.961

Hello! I am Jia Lin here. I came to see both of you last year. I am not sure whether you still remember me, but I will never forget mr menon’s incredible teaching skill. Anyway, I just made the payment for mr menon’s differential equation cie a level further mathematics online course. I love mr menon’s teaching style and that cie a level further mathematics topic is quite related to my university syllabus.

“I was a student of The Maths Centre for 3 years and during my time there I was able not only to learn my course requirements, but reach beyond the syllabus and tackle more advanced concepts challenging me to strive further. I found what was once mundane and repetitive became a real joy to learn; always exciting. This perhaps would not have been possible without the excellent tutelage of Ravee Menon. His fearlessness to push me further than my course demanded meant I was able to excel in my exams and reach my potential. Over the years he became not only a fantastic teacher but a great friend, offering advice in my university applications and helping to guide me into the numerous demands of life after A-levels.”
– Ellery Nadarajah, Medical Student at the University College London.

“I was fortunate enough to have been a student of Mr. Menon at The Maths Centre for the past three years. The help that Mr. Menon has provided me in this time has been invaluable. Not only has he succeeded in preparing me for IGCSE and A-level exams, he has extended me far beyond the levels of mathematics required by these examinations. His lessons have challenged me in a positive manner, shaping the way in which I approach mathematical problems. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at The Maths Centre and can certainly say that Mr. Menon has successfully nourished my passion for mathematics and provided me with fantastic advice regarding my university applications.”
- Sean Gill, Engineering Student at the University of Cambridge.

Thanks for the informative email! I have ‘liked’ the Facebook page and will definitely be signing up for more courses in the next few months to prepare for my A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics.
And I am really glad to have found themathscentre.com! It’s one of the few places (I think the only one) on the internet to provide help in Further Mathematics. Kudos!

Mr Menon and Ms Chan are those people that I am really grateful for. Both of them are inspiring, positive people that gave me various insights and valuable advice that open up my mind to go further and reach greater heights. Sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart once again for reassuring me that this is the pathway that I should go. You are not only a great actuary, you are also a great friend. If I successfully become an actuary one day, I would credit all my success to both of you. I would say that there is never a term call “give up” in their heart. There are so many many things to thank both of them and words can’t express them all.
* Jia Lin studied in Taylors Subang, purchased all our P3 and M1 modules and exam solutions and attended our webinar. She will be going on to study Actuarial Science in University Melbourne.

I'm an adult learner and I'm studying maths after 20 years. I plan to go through all CIE courses you offer and then enroll in a Maths degree program. Right now I'm going through the IGCSE Checkpoint course. I'll enroll in the 0580 course next week.
I am planning to study your courses all the way up to Pre-U level. You have the only website which covers syllabus at all levels.
I was struggling to learn on my own with the books. I have made more progress watching your videos in the last few days than past few months. I'm very thankful to have found your site.

Marc did very well and is now doing his bachelors in University of West Indies. Thanks for your help.

I will like The Maths Centre to include AS and A2 chemistry and also update Further maths AS and A2.Thanks for the good work I really appreciate because my son got 94% in additional mathematics and extended maths 93% in IGCSE May/June 2019 result which is A star for the two subjects which was made possible by your material please include more subjects in IGCSE and in AS and A2. Thank you and God bless The Maths Center and everybody that is part of the team.

I am an independent candidate writing the A-Level CIE Mathematics exams in the upcoming session and have come across the Maths Centre. The Maths Centre videos have helped me tremendously thus far, and I wish I had come across it earlier!
Thank you all so much for the webinar. It was quite helpful! And it's cleared up a lot of things.

I am very impressed with your work and the videos that you provide are all up to excellent, although I saw the others but I choose the best which with you. - I'm teaching GCSE & A level in Cairo.

FEEDBACK VERY USEFUL TOOL SCORING 100 OUT OF 100. Now i would like to know if the centre deals with additional maths at Ordinary level paper 4037 and if yes how much it costs to buy all paper 11, 12,13 and 21,22,23 for june 2016,nov2016, june2017, nov2017, june2018, nov2018 and june 2019. Thanks. (I am a Maths teacher residing in Rodrigues)

Mr Menon and Kamlin have been absolutely instrumental in my journey in the Mathematics A-level exam. Had it not been for their kindness and patience, I would not have been able to achieve an A. The Maths Centre is certainly an excellent resource for anyone who, like me, doesn't always get it right the first time for the videos are always available 24/7.

I was lucky to be student of The Maths Centre and to be under a wing of a great actuary for my Exam Probability(SOA).Mr.Ravee taught me how to think and solve actuarial question in a short time.After a while,I started enjoying to solve difficult questions for my course.I managed to to pass EXAM P with grade 9 out of 10.
Thanks a lot to Mr.Ravee and Ms.Chan for all your support.

Edexcel IGCSE Further Pure Mathematics (4PM0)
I want to thank you for providing such useful resources to help me with my studies for the further pure exam! Your videos have been especially helpful.

Appreciate your being there to offer assistance. A serious learner will not hesitate to pay for your services.

Initially, I was very lost in the Edexcel Further Pure Maths course and was considering dropping the subject very early on in the school year, however after purchasing the e-learning videos for the course, many concepts were made very clear and the worked solutions were extremely helpful. I went from expecting a C to scoring at A* in the final exam, and I love the Maths Centre so much that I am returning to use their IB HL resources and am sure that they will help me very much. I am very appreciative of the Maths Centre and for their resources and I would definitely recommend using them.
Testimonial from Lauren

I was a student at Math Centre for 2 years, in 1999, 2000. I was fortunate to be under the wings of a great teacher, as Mr. Ravee saw a great potential in me and pushed me to work on my math sums. Being an average student in Mathematics, he made me love my mathematics, hence prepared me to study engineering in University of Adelaide. Being an average student in Math, it was my best performing subjects in the school. His analytic approach to a problem, and how he breaks a complex problem to something simple, has helped me even the course of my current work as a Network Engineer. Mr. Ravee is an amazing person with a great mind. Thank you, Mr. Ravee for what you did for me in the formative years in Mathematics.

I will recommend this to all my friends because it is a great product I really love your product.
Best Regards,
Edegware Christopher (Nigeria)

Initially, I was very lost in the Edexcel Further Pure Maths course and was considering dropping the subject very early on in the school year, however after purchasing the e-learning videos for the course, many concepts were made very clear and the worked solutions were extremely helpful. I went from expecting a C to scoring at A* in the final exam, and I love the Maths Centre so much that I am returning to use their IB HL resources and am sure that they will help me very much. I am very appreciative of the Maths Centre and for their resources and I would definitely recommend using them.
Testimonial from Lauren Amelia (Hong Kong) Aug 2018

Thank you so much for your kind attention! It really helped me!
I'm doing IBHL from Brazil.
I will tell my school friends about you and your great service!

Hi Mr Menon, Melvin here from Alice Smith School. Got an A* in maths and further maths. Thank you so much for all the help! Honestly couldn’t have done it without your classes. I am going to University College London UCL for mechanical engineering.

I find this website quite helpful as I have already purchased the videos which I found pretty helpful….especially that I am homeschooling at the moment

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