Very special deals and freebies from The Maths Centre in these times of the C Virus pandemic….
These are unprecedented times where the need to slow/stop this c- virus outbreak has led to societal changes everywhere in the world. It weighs on workers, teachers, students and everyone else who are forced to stay home. Life as we know it will not be quite the same from here on.
We at The Maths Centre would like to do our small part to help. In these times of the Movement Control Order (MC0) or lockdown as others call it, we offer the following deals and freebies to enable students to keep on learning and teachers to continue teaching. To the viewers who often come to our site and check us out many times and think we are a ‘tad’ expensive, here is your opportunity to come join us at really affordable fees and with freebies included.
During this time of MCO,
We offer all our online courses ie IGCSE/Alevels and IB at a 20 percent off.
Yes 20 percent off!!!
In additional we give you free access to 2 exam solutions related to the online course you subscribe for!
(This offer is good and will expires when we deem it so.)
In simple words;
Take 20 percent off and get 2 exam solutions of your choice.
Thats it !
No hidden fees.
You can get this promo by completing the form below and we will send you a special discount link:
This is a great offer from us. Please use it and come join us at The Maths Centre!
Best wishes, talk soon