Wesley International School Year 11 Accounting – 11E and 11G classes
Welcome boys and girls of Wesley International School 11 G and 11E classes…
This Movement Control Order (MCO) has made it necessary for us all to stay home while the C-virus hopefully gets under control, dies off….disappear.. vanish..
TEACHING AND LEARNING ONLINE has now become a necessity and in this very important exam year.
I too need to teach and complete your syllabus leading to the IGCSE Accounting exams. Hence I have made available new teaching videos tailored just for you, my students and in the style that you are accustomed to on this site. Lets use every resource available to achieve that end!
This is the site that I have created for you to enter and view my teaching videos.
The videos are specially made for you and is in the teaching style that you have become used to .
Depending on how long the MCO (Movement control Order) takes, I will upload new teaching videos here so that my students can watch and learn and ask me questions. This way, we will be on track to complete the syllabus, revise and be ready for the exams.
The first topic uploaded is Clubs and Societies……topic 18 from your textbook
I have to thank The Maths Centre (www.themathscentre.com) for kindly hosting us here.
Thanks Team!
Ms Chan