Online Intensive Revision Courses 2020

CAIE Exam – Online Intensive Revision Courses – IGCSE & A Level (Maths, Accounting, Mechanics & Statistics) by The Maths Centre

Over a period of 7 weeks (23 Aug to 4 Oct 2020) , we The Maths Centre will offer intensive revision courses for the following subjects;

IGCSE ; Maths (extended), Additional Maths, Accounting , Business Studies

Alevels; AS and A Level Pure Maths 1, 3, Statistics 1,2 and Mechanics 1

These revision courses are intense and cover all examinable areas. It is exam focused and with the aim of raising the students’ grades. The teachers are very experienced and has their own ways/tips for tackling the exam questions. The students will be guided to understand what is required in the various type of exam questions and to avoid common mistakes.

Come join us for these revision courses. We have your best interest at heart. We will actually revise/repair and teach you besides looking at past year exam questions. By the way, we have written the exam solutions in full and have a huge online library of them.

Places are limited, so please sign up early. You will be very happy you found us.




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IGCSE Add Maths 0606 Revision Course Overview


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  1. Intensive revision course covering all examinable topics
  2. Revision by topic and uses exam questions arranged topically.
  3. The Instructor is very experienced and has been teaching alevels since 1997. He is responsible for all our Alevel Maths content on our website. He has his own tips for tackling exam questions. You will be vey happy to attend these revision classes, held online.
  4. We have a huge library of exam solutions written by our instructor in full detail. All attendees will get to view our own latest exam solutions from 2018 onwards.
  5. All attendees will get a 15% off voucher for the next course. This voucher can also be used to subscribe for our online courses at – Available Courses
  6. Tutorial support till exam date.
  7. Course price is RM 450. Early bird (by 31 July) RM400 PER SUBJECT (for Malaysians) | Course price for others USD 200. Early bird USD 180 per subject.
  8. Any changes in dates of lessons will be subject to agreement of the course participants.

For enquiries/payment

Email: /

Tel: 603 56380204

HP: 6012 3806703 (Call, Whats App/Telegram)

Please submit your name, email, contact no, nric no, school/centre together with your payment.

We will issue an official receipt for payment made.

Registration Is Full

You can register your interest using the sign up form below and we will inform you our next revision classes.