NEW! Alevels CIE Mechanics M2 Projectiles / Moments

Hello everyone,

Hope school’s coming along nicely for all…

Just a quick word. We are presently uploading Alevels Mechanics CIE M2. The first 2 chapters going up are PROJECTILES and MOMENTS. To those who have written in asking about M2 please take note. This whole M2 is coming SEPT/OCT 2013.

Also we are in the midst of constructing IB HL. So keep an eye out for that.

We will be announcing some plans for G+ Hangouts in Oct 2013 as your AS / A2 /IGCSE exams approaches.Keep a lookout. Also if you have any particular request or comments that you would like us to take note for our hangouts, now is the time to tell us. Please write to us…. all comments and requests will be considered.


PS: Congratulations to those of you off to uni… may you enjoy the experience and all that goes with it…
A shout out to Sean, Ellery, Charmaine, Jay and everyone else …Good Luck.. 😀