IBSL with Analysis and Approaches

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This course recognizes the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep understanding of mathematics. This course includes topics that are both traditionally part of a pre-university mathematics course (for example, functions, trigonometry, calculus) as well as topics that are amenable to investigation, conjecture and proof, for instance the study of sequences and series at both SL and HL, and proof by induction at HL.

The course allows the use of technology, as fluency in relevant mathematical software and hand-held technology is important regardless of choice of course. However, Mathematics: analysis and approaches has a strong emphasis on the ability to construct, communicate and justify correct mathematical arguments.

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1. Exponents and logarithms (49:20 mins)View HereUSD$ 29
2. Sequences (84:45 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
3. Functions (69:56 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
4. Coordinate Geometry (73:24 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
5. Geometry and trigonometry (92:19 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
6. Statistics (156:36 mins)View HereUSD$ 59
7. Probability (113:24 mins)View HereUSD$ 49
8. Probability Distributions (78:08 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
9. Differentiation (108:30 mins)View HereUSD$ 49
10. Integration (49:48 mins)View HereUSD$ 29
11. Analysis and approaches- Proof (12:05 mins)View HereUSD$ 19
12. Analysis and approaches – Exponents and logarithms (62:02 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
13. Analysis and approaches – Sequences and series (43:18 mins)View HereUSD$ 29
14. Analysis and approaches – Functions (46:59 mins)View HereUSD$ 29
15. Analysis and approaches – Quadratics (64:21 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
16. Analysis and approaches – Graphs (76:02 mins)View HereUSD$ 39
17. Analysis and approaches – Equations (42:40 mins)View HereUSD$ 29
18. Analysis and approaches – Trigonometry (159:34 mins)View HereUSD$ 59
19. Analysis and approaches – Statistics and Probability (52:21 mins)View HereUSD$ 29
20. Analysis and approaches – Differentiation (111:42 mins)View HereUSD$ 49
21. Analysis and approaches – Integration (76:50 mins)View HereUSD$ 39

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(27 hrs 4 mins Videos)

USD$ 250 (6 Months Subscription)

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