A complete concise and comprehensive course in IB Maths
(International Baccalaureate) in e video learning and with exam solutions.
The IB Diploma Programme Mathematics (IB Higher Level(HL) and Standard Level (SL) are courses where you need a strong background in mathematics and competence in a range of analytical and technical skills. Students who choose these subjects will likely include mathematics as a major component in their planned university studies; either in
its own right or within courses such as physics, engineering, technology, even finance. Hence the curriculum for these 2 exams are wide, extensive and rigorous.
Skills are needed to solve problems set in a variety of contexts and to justify and prove the results. To excel, one has to develop and apply the mathematical skills to the high standard expected.
In simple words, this is indeed a challenging course!
Why Learn with US
The top 3 reasons to use our e learning courses and study with us;
- You can now study effectively and conveniently from the comfort of your home. Study anytime, anywhere and at your convenience.
- When you study using our IB Maths courses, you can be sure that our course materials are complete, comprehensive and exam focused.
- While studying online, rest assure we do not leave you alone. You can interact with us ask questions via our chat site or email us or whats app us. You have access to our instructor.
What do you get when you buy our products
IB Maths Standard Level
- Complete IBSL maths course in e video (37 hours) - US$ 850
- Complete access to our library of IBSL exam solutions paper 1 & 2 (currently 22 sets worth usd 352, no extra charge as we add on new ones). These exam solutions are written in detail by our instructor. - US$ 150
- Access to our instructor (contact via email, chat widget etc).
All of the above for a Special Price US$ 1000 only (normal price US$ 1202)
IB Maths Higher Level
- Complete IBHL maths course in e video (53 hours) - US$ 1199
- Complete access to our library of IBHL exam solutions - US$ 200
currently consists of:
a) 117 IBHL exam solutions fr may2011 to nov2013 arranged by topics and worth US$ 295
b) Paper 1 exam solutions in e video for Oct/Nov 2015 worth US$ 25
c) 22 sets of IBHL exam solutions paper 1 & 2 worth US$ 382
(total worth of these exam solutions are US$ 702)
There will be no extra charges as we add new exam solutions to the library. - Access to our instructor (contact via email, chat widget etc).
All of the above for a Special Price US$ 1399 only (normal price US$ 1900)
IBHL Maths Option Calculus
- Complete course in 11 hours of e videos - US$ 429
- Free access to our library of paper 3 exam solutions in Calculus
(currently 3 sets Nov 2017 to Nov 2018, worth US$ 50, no extra charge for new sets added on later) - Access to our instructor (contact via email, chat widget etc).
All of the above for a Special Price US$ 429 only
IBHL Maths Option Probability & Statistics
- Complete course in 9 hours of e videos - US$ 399
- Free access to our library of paper 3 exam solutions in Stats
(currently 2 sets Nov 2017 to May 2018, worth US$ 30, no extra charge for new sets added on later) - Access to our instructor (contact via email, chat widget etc).
All of the above for a Special Price US$ 399 only

Sign up to get our FREE RESOURCES for IB Maths
IB Maths SL and IB Maths HL Exam Oriented eLearning Videos and Past Papers with fully worked solutions
ib maths hl option: calculus
ib maths hl
ib maths hl option: statistics & ptobability
ib maths hl exam solutions
Start from $
ib maths sl
ib maths sl exam solutions
Start from $

Sign up to get our FREE RESOURCES for IB Maths
** Our syllabus is current and updated to 2019
** New syllabus changes for IB Maths effective September 2019 for the IB Class of 2021 (Pdf)