1 How is www.themathscentre.com different from other elearning portals?
Our courses (teaching videos and printable PDF) are complete and cover the examinable syllabus fully. It serves as a textbook, revision manual, exam question bank and tutor all rolled in one. The materials are concise, exam oriented and have been successively used by our present and past students. We have made available a highly effective tool of teaching high school and preuniversity maths to anyone who has reasonable internet connection and a desire to learn maths and soon, physics.

2 What subjects are currently available here?
IGCSE Additional Maths, Maths and Physics, Pure maths Statistics, Mechanics, Further Maths and Physics for Alevels (CIE and Edexcel) and International Baccaulaureate(IBHL and IBSL). We will actively add to this list. We have a very large bank of detailed, written exam solutions for the IGCSE and Alevel exams dating as far back as 2002 as well as our own revision sets for CIE and topical workbooks for IGCSE Additional Maths.

3 Does this site provide the same quality of education that is found in traditional tuition?
Yes, we incorporate our many years of teaching maths in this traditional manner into our teaching videos. We also remain very focused on the exams and the required syllabus. The added convenience of learning at your own time plus having ready access to us (via blogs/Facebook fanpage/emails etc) makes elearning the next big frontier in education.

4 How do I pay for the courses?
You can pay via credit card or debit card or via your PayPal account. The instructions for payment are easy to use. Alternate payment methods (Western Union/MoneyGram) can be arranged for those who don’t have PayPal in their country. Please contact us for more details.

5 Can I return my eProduct for a refund?
All eProduct sales are final. No refunds can be made for electronic digital downloads.
* For online viewing only, No Download or Print allowed *

6 Why is my account being terminated?
This website is an exam focussed website. themathscentre.com reserves the right to deny immediate access to clients found misusing their account for purposes other than learning and preparing for exams. This will include sharing of passwords and misusing the download facility.
* For online viewing only, No Download or Print allowed *

7 How do I get access to the course or topics after payment?
On successful payment Pay Pal will notify us .You will send us an email of your preferred username and preferred email address. Within 24 hours (unless it is a major holiday) we will send you an official receipt. Please confirm this receipt. We will then issue you your username and login password. This will give you immediate access.

Your access is available to you till the earlier of the completion of the said exam or 12 months or under the terms of our promotions. We will extend the access on a case by case basis.

Please note that your password allows only 1 device per user. Please do not share your login password with your friends. We monitor login histories and will terminate users for abuse of this account.   See note 8 below.

For those who subscribe to the full package, fill up the form with all details (*use strong password*) and press submit, you will be redirected to PayPal site for payment. Your account will be created automatically after successful payment and you can access your course immediately. You will receive an official receipt. Please confirm your receipt immediately.

8 Can I share my account with others?
No. Please don’t share your account with others. Your login password allows you access on a device that you have chosen. Multiple use of the password on other devices will void your initial access and you may have to refer back to us to allow you access again.

Please understand your purchase of our videos will already take up allocated bandwidth. Non paying customers will clog up website traffic and negatively impact everyone. We do monitor login histories and will terminate user accounts for this type of abuse. While the gesture of sharing account information with a friend seems innocent it can have far reaching negative implications for other legitimate paying users.

9 What are the minimum internet speed requirements to run these courses on my computer?
Minimum internet speed requirement is 512kbps.

10 How do I ask questions if I do not understand a maths problem or solution?
Please email us and give us 1-2 days to reply. You can also reach us immediately using the chat widget on our site. We will hold regular hangouts/webinars and invite you to attend. You can also ask questions at the designated hangouts/webinars. We resolve to reply to all questions and in a reasonably quick time.
**Please be reminded that we will always answer your questions as long as it is directly pertaining to the modules that you have purchased on our e learning site.

11. Viewing contents (Video & PDF)
All media contents on our site are optimized for HTML5 so it is highly recommended to use Google Chrome Browser and make sure to update to the latest version for maximum compatibility. Some video contents are splitted into multiple parts, to navigate point your mouse over the video and the video player controls will show at the bottom, click “|<” to jump to the previous part or click “>|” to view the next part. Some PDFs on our site are protected from downloading or printout, and due to this fact the PDF viewing box might take some time to render the contents so make sure you have a fast internet connection and wait for the contents to show. If it’s still not showing after a few minutes you can refresh the page until the contents appear. Also to view PDF on our site, you have to allow third party cookies in your Google Chrome browser. Follow the instructions in this article, after that refresh the page and you will be able to view the content of the PDF. If you still have problems accessing our media contents please email to admin@themathscentre.com explaining your problems in detail and best to include some screenshots.