Exam Season (May/June 2022) Promotions!

Welcome to 2022 and better times ahead !

I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

I like to express optimism and hopefulness that this year will see all our lives improve and get better in every way. On that note and as exam season approaches, we offer some special deals to help students excel and teachers to achieve their aims.

We hope you will take advantage of these very special packages at reduced prices that we are offering. This offer is strictly for the period from 17 April to 4th May 2022.

These courses include our exam focussed elearning videos AND also our own exam solutions.
This will be an excellent time for both our new and existing/returning subscribers to take up our courses in evideos.

Promo Ended.

For more information contact us at:

tel : 60356380204

hp: 60123806703 (WhatsApp/Telegram)

email: kamlin@themathscentre.com | admin@themathscentre.com