Limited time only – special offers on our newly rebundled courses!
My name is Kamlin.
I am very happy to announce some good news!
We have recently reviewed our package/bundles courses carefully and offer what we think are very practical bundles comprising
E learning courses
Exam solutions (arranged topically and by exam)
Revision sets
Solutions manual
These are new and more affordable and most of all very comprehensive and exam focused. These packages cover ;
IGCSE/Alevels Cambridge/Alevels Edexcel/Cambridge Pre-U as well as International Baccalaureate exams.
For a strictly limited time only we offer another 10 percent off the special package price! This is really a huge savings and has never been offered before on our site.
Please rush and make full use of this. This is strictly limited and will end 31 August 2018.
See the link below for the complete list of our newly bundled packages.
Please email us for a special 10 percent off the already special package price.
Email and/or further enquiries;