7 Reasons to Attend CIE M1 and P3 Exam Review Webinar

Calling all Alevels CIE students taking exams in May 2014!!

7 reasons why you should attend !

Latest details of Alevels CIE M1 and P3 Exam Review via Online Seminar

5 May 2014 – Mechanics M1 7.30pm (GMT+8)
7 May 2014 – Pure Maths P3 7.30pm (GMT+8)

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Mechanics M1 Pure Maths P3 Both (M1 and P3)
Date Mon 5 May 2014 Wed 7 May 2014 5 and 7 May 2014
Time 7.30pm (GMT+8) 7.30pm (GMT+8) 7.30pm (GMT+8)
Cost USD$ 90 (RM 290) USD$ 90 (RM 290) USD$ 160 (RM 520)

Details of Exam Review Seminar

1) Both Online Seminars are conducted by Mr Menon ,our extremely capable and experienced instructor and author of our elearning site.

2) Both the pure maths p3 and mechanics m1reviews will cover all the exam ideas , reminding you of what you need to know.

3) The review uses carefully selected examples to bring these exam revision ideas to you. (Mechanics M1review10-11 questions and Pure Maths P3 15-16 questions.)

4) The course is intensive, jam packed with tips and sharing of best methods of solutions and reminder of important exam areas. Its a last chance to ‘sharpen’ your level of exam preparedness and to go for the ‘A’.

5) After the online seminar participants will receive a copy of the review questions and solutions.

6) The online review allocates time for participants to ask questions and seek answers.
We encourage interactive participation. The seminar is closed to the public so that attendees will not feel shy to ask questions.

7) The Online Seminar allows everyone to attend comfortably wherever you are. All you need is basic internet , wifi , computer and a headset..
Its interactive and bringing the classroom experience to you.!

Come join us.. last call..you have everything to gain..

Also, please note that the full AS/A2 and further maths courses are found on our e learning site.
Full exam solutions for p3 and m1 going as far back as 2002 are found here.

See you soon, study hard.
